Christine Lynn

Christine Lynn


Originally from the north of England I have been living in my family hometown of Claremorris, Co. Mayo, for the last 25yrs.

In 2011 I started voluntary work with the Prem Rawat Foundation offering the Peace Education Program in diverse communities such as prisons, libraries, community centres and more recently at a temporary protection centre in Co. Mayo for Asylum seekers. 

The program content is taken from the talks of Peace Educator and Bestselling Author, Prem Rawat. Last June, Prem was invited to the Convention Centre in Dublin to talk about his latest book, 'Hear Yourself - How to find peace in a noisy world'. The event was attended by over 700 people and many thousands more via live stream.

The course teaches us that we are the source of peace and that we can experience peace in our lives using the tools that we innately have.