
Naomi is a natural healer and teacher of Attunements in the way she has been gifted from Spirit. Having explored many modalities, Naomi has agreed in Soul to do her work in the way taught to her from her own Guidance. Naomi is looking forward to connecting with similar individuals who find her way of approaching healing to be Simple, Gentle and Light!

Naomi, has been attuned to various forms of Reiki, Rahanni, Divine Light Healing, Angelic Healing and more. All in all, she has been coached in Guidance to find herself amongst existing expressions of Healing. Day by day we are guided. We Listen.


The Healing Offers...

  • Clarity

  • Courage in Expression

  • Self-Reliance

  • Akashic Access

  • Embodied Presence

  • Gentle Touch of Love


During the sessions, we use:

  • Speech

  • Hands-on Healing (optional)

  • Imagery

  • Symbolic Language and other tools best suited to each client.


Many clients visit for Clarity in Life Choices.


Healing is a way to Open Space of Gentle Reflection.


It’s important to note while the participants at our events & on this site take their work very seriously, all consultations with the psychic & mediums listed are for educational, spiritual, and entertainment purposes only and are not intended to, nor should they ever, take the place of any medical, legal, financial, traditional psychological, or other professional advice. In addition, all holistic therapists listed do not claim to cure or diagnose any medical condition in the same way as a doctor/physician. Their opinion is that of a holistic, complementary, and alternative therapist and their professional opinions, advice, examinations, and recommendations do not constitute the medical advice of a doctor/physician.