
I'm Nuala O Connor creator of RetuningME™.  When you can look at all your symptoms, pain and illness as being physical, you might feel there is no way out! But if you change your view and see it all as stressed energy that has caused blips in your vibrational frequency, you are on the right path because all energy frequencies can be retuned to whatever frequency you want. 

Natural Wellness To, Through And Beyond Menopause 

This year at the Mind Body Experiences in Dublin I will be talking about "Tapping Into Wellness To, Through and Beyond Menopause". When it comes to menopause symptoms and stresses, these can also be retuned using natural wellness tools and techniques. Think about it, your frequencies of dis-stress like; pain, anxiety, depression, disease, aches, sore joints, sleeplessness, fatigue, upset digestion can be retuned - naturally!

My Quest is to help you naturally retune your stressed energy to positive vibrations promoting better wellness. Did you know that you are made up of trillions and trillions of cells. Each of those cells is packed full of energy vibrations. Energy vibrations get tuned and retuned all the time. If you are not actively tuning your vibrations to frequencies that keep you happy, well and focused, then you will automatically get knocked into stress vibrations from your environment. 

I offer you a Natural Energy Approach to Wellness and Success because there are little or no side effects with natural ways. As well as combining my many years of experience in Kinesiology, EFT Tapping, Coaching, Integrated Energy Therapy, Reflexology and many more Energy Therpaies, I have created some new techniques and products that will help you raise your energy every single day and give talks to many different groups both community and corporate on all things natural wellness, especially for women.

I combine many therapies to offer you:

Rebound For Wellness Programmes: get you into easy and effective exercise for your wellness. I will talk to you about this form of exercise at the Fairs I attend. I bring along a discount code should you wish to purchase my Rebound For Wellness Programme. You can also learn about Rebound For Wellness here.

Two Meridian Tapping: Is a two point tapping system that brings Tapping to a whole new level.  I wrote about book about this system called  - Tap Into Success - detailing how you can take a stressed thought or emotion and retune it to a new positive script using the Two Meridian Tapping system. This book has a bonus chapter of 'I truly am...' positive scripts that you can use every day to keep you in a peaceful, relaxed, focused and well vibration. I offer signed copies of my book for half price at Fairs. I also have some online programmes using this Two Meridian Tapping system and combining it with lots of bonus information. You can check these out here.

RetuningME Kinesiology: Online and Face To Face sessions are available through my website

Coaching: I offer a combination of Coaching and Mentoring that also takes in some energy technicques when helping you to overcome blocks and challenges to your success at home and at work. 

Positive Energy Pendants: These are made from recycled bio-photonic Miron Violet Glass. Miron Glass contains infra-red and ultra-violet colours. Combined, these colours offer you a very high yin-yang energy frequency. As a Kinesiologist I get liquid nutrition in Miron glass bottles. I recycle these bottles to make my Positive Energy Pendants. At the Holistic Fairs, I tune your stressed and out of tune energy into the pendant so every time you wear that pendant, your energy will naturally rise to the frequency of the pendant. 

Positive Energy Stained Glass Pieces

I make some stained glass pieces that will also have some Miron Glass included: 

  • Positive Energy Brigid's Crosses
  • Positive Energy Hearts
  • Positive Energy Angels

You can get your positive Energy Piece at the Holistic Fairs I attend or by contacting me directly - nuala@retuningme.com

Wishing You and Yours Good Energy Always


It’s important to note while the participants at our events & on this site take their work very seriously, all consultations with the psychic & mediums listed are for educational, spiritual, and entertainment purposes only and are not intended to, nor should they ever, take the place of any medical, legal, financial, traditional psychological, or other professional advice. In addition, all holistic therapists listed do not claim to cure or diagnose any medical condition in the same way as a doctor/physician. Their opinion is that of a holistic, complementary, and alternative therapist and their professional opinions, advice, examinations, and recommendations do not constitute the medical advice of a doctor/physician.